Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Appeal Of Working In Landscaping Pleasant Prairie WI

By David Bailey

You might not be suited for a regular office job. The idea of sitting behind a desk, processing papers, and taking phone calls all day might horrify you. When you are better suited for skilled labor, you may wonder what options you have outside of the welding and construction industries. By working in landscaping Pleasant Prairie WI workers like you could enjoy fulfilling careers. You also may get unique perks from the job not found in other professions.

When you work in an office setting, you do not get to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. As a landscaper, however, you avoid being cooped up inside and not being able to get outdoors. Your entire workday in this industry is spend outside in the sun, wind, and precipitation in some cases.

While you are outside, your boss may have you doing any number of tasks like mowing, weeding, planting new grass and flowers, and pruning shrubs and trees. These jobs appeal to you more than clerical duties like typing. They also highlight what you are capable of as a skilled laborer and allow you to maximize talents that would otherwise have to be put on hold if you were to work in any other industry.

Your employer may reward you by keeping you on throughout the year even when other industries stop for the year. People who lay brick or work in construction do not draw paychecks when they cannot work. They often have to wait for the rain and snow to stop before they called back to the job site.

As a landscaper, you may get to stay working when others have to take days off, however. For example, when it is snowing, you may be hired to clear and sand sidewalks. You get paid for a full day's work even when the weather is less than ideal for other skilled labor jobs.

Along with a regular paycheck, you might get extra benefits like health insurance, a 401k retirement account, and sick leave. These benefits may not be found if you were to work in other skilled positions or as an entry level office workers. The wages you get paid are likewise above the pay grade for many entry level positions. You could make the same if not more money than people who work in white collar jobs like management in businesses and retailers.

You typically do not need a lot of training to be hired at this position. Many companies will train the right person as long as they show a willingness to learn and work hard. If you have mowing, trimming, pruning, or other yard work experience, you could be hired easily and be trained in the other tasks that will be expected of you.

The landscaping industry in the state could be the ideal choice for you when you are not suited for office jobs or other types of professions. Your natural talents could lie in being able to work outdoors with the grass, trees, shrubs, flowers, and even the snow. You might look forward to getting paid all year. You also may be given benefits that are the envy of other professions in both the skilled labor and white collar arenas.

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