Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Learn How To Find Suitable Landscape Equipment Chicago

By Douglas Stevens

If you are planning to launch a landscaping enterprise, it is critical to buy the right equipment for the job. You need several kinds of power and hand tools before launching your business. By purchasing the right landscape equipment Chicago residents can run their landscaping businesses successfully.

The most expensive item that landscapers need is a sturdy vehicle that they will use to transport their landscaping tools, that is if they do not own such a vehicle already. Landscapers should select a heavy duty truck with a flatbed. The truck should also have one or several locking toolboxes attached to the flatbed. They should also choose a truck with a dumping mechanism that makes it easier to upload soil and other materials quickly without having to use a shovel.

If you need to purchase lawn maintenance tools in bulk, then it is important that you purchase a utility trailer. This trailer will eliminate the tedious work of moving lawn maintenance tools to and from the trucks. In addition, buy a locking tiedown to ensure the safety of your tools during transport.

It is also important to purchase safety equipment. Some lawn maintenance tools can produce noise of up to 95 decibels, which is harmful to the ears. Studies from OSHA show that workers who are exposed to high levels of noise from machines can sustain ear damage. You should therefore purchase ear buds to protect users of the landscaping tools against these harmful sound levels. Eye protectors, gloves and work boots which have steel toes are also necessary.

You also need lawn mowers for your lawn care business. Many different kinds of lawn mowers are available on the market. Most of them are self-propelled. Mowers also have useful attachments and features such as side catches and mulchers, which can simplify your job. For larger jobs, it is advisable to buy a riding lawn mower. You should also buy a standard walk-behind mower for completing smaller jobs.

The landscaping contractors who plan to provide snow removal services should purchase snow removal tools. They can buy snow blades for their mowers or snow plows for their trucks. All service areas and job sites have their own challenges. For this reason, landscapers should purchase the snow removal tools that suit the needs of their customers. Removing snow from the sidewalks is more labor intensive compared to other areas. Landscapers should buy tools that will make their businesses efficient.

Landscapers can also fertilize lawns. If you plan to offer this service, you need a broadcast granular spreader to disperse fertilizer over a large area. Some of the other essential tools you need include hoes, hedge shears, pruners, tape measures, picks, mattocks and loopers. You can us these tools to work on flower beds, berms and gardens.

Landscaping contractors should buy the best landscaping tools they can afford because they will use them daily. It is worth it to spend a little bit more money on tools of the best quality when starting a business. This can help landscapers save money in the future since they will not have to replace the tools. Landscapers who do not have adequate funds to purchase the best version of every tool can begin with a few high quality tools and add to their collection gradually.

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