Friday, September 21, 2018

Talking About Variable Rate Spreaders

By Stephanie Green

Oh lookie here. We are on our third re write so we better make this good. So our next topic involves plants and growing them. Thank you for that, by the way. We really freaking love plants. No sarcasm, we swear. Every time a flower just blooms right outside out window, we go nuts about. Not really sure why. Maybe we were a tree in our past life? Who knows? So look up Variable Rate Spreaders.

What if you met a clone of yourself? What would you do to him or her? Would you use them for your own benefit? Like, say, make them go to school and work while you relax at home? Force them to attend uncomfortable meetings that you were reluctant to attend? Would that not sound very convenient?

Imagine being able to create lightning too. You are going to be so useful when there is a black out or something. Though there will be some risk of you over doing it and maybe even frying the whole circuits, it is still a very useful skill. And if you are annoyed with someone then you can just zap them on the shoulder to make them shut up.

How about super strength? Heavy lifting will literally not be a problem to you. In times of need like a car getting stuck in a gutter, you literally are just going to lift it up no problem. Got trapped under heavy rubble? Punch your way out of it, my friend. Bullied and getting sick of your tormentors? Well, who cares about ethics, just beat them up easy.

Though her uncle stuffed that tiny triumphant feeling by ordering her to release her hold on this man. The cold of his voice almost made her jump. Almost. And would bring dishonor and embarrassment if she jumped because that kind of reaction would bring shame on the training her uncle beat into her since she was a child.

Sounds like something out of the anime To Aru Majutsu No Index and To Aru Kagaku No Railgun. That is what happened to Misaka Mikoto. Although there was nothing sexual that involved her twenty thousand clones, they purposes were still just as disgusting. All those girls, made to be slaughtered, just to enhance the strength of the number one esper in the city.

Uncle Nicholas brought a huge hand to the head of this thief and grabbed it. He tilted him to inspect the damage she inflicted. The thief gurgled weakly and glanced in her direction with a heavy amount of fear. Against her better judgement, which was not much since she still currently was hyped up on inner glee, she smiled.

How about the opposite? We can have you produce ice instead, like Elsa from Frozen. Yes, the cold will not bother you like how fire will do the same for us when it came to flames. Make that as a boost to your cool points. Get it? Cool points? Yeah, you do.

Not only do we have a high moral compass, we just do not see ourselves getting any benefit except the credit that goes with it. And then what? We will be hailed as the monster who created another monster? We are likely to get frowned on, or worse, attacked.

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